How do you feel if you earn different wage even though you did same work?
As greeting the ‘Employment equality week’, Seoul YWCA held the campaign to demanding the establishment of the ‘Same wage day’. ‘Same labor, same wage’ means that employer has to pay the same wage to the people who have same value without any other discrimination in age or gender.
According to the OECD, the wage difference in Korea between men women is 36.7%. This shows that women have to work 95days more to get as same as men’s wage.
Because of pregnancy and childbirth, women easily suffer from career interruption and cannot help working as a temporary employee. 41% of Korean women worker is a temporary employee, and 20% even can’t get the minimum wage. On average, 1/3 of companies exclude the parental leave period when they estimate the pre-requisite time for promotion, and also women’s career has not been approved rather than men’s when they enter the company. The most serious thing is that the wage difference between men and women is almost 63.7% only because they are all women. This is obviously gendered discrimination and illegality.
In Korea, women suffer from lots of inequality such as career discrimination, interruption, glass ceiling, low wage, a non-regular position at the working place.
All nations, especially EU member states, designate the ‘Same wage day’ for trying to solve the wage difference between men and women.
“YWCA is demanding the establishment of the ‘Same wage day’. This is the first step for the society with gender equality.”
Please be with us!
Same labor, same wage is the right way.
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