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2018의 게시물 표시

Join us with the Youth peace keeper volunteer work!

Join us with the Youth peace keeper volunteer work! There are various bad  custom named with tradition, Refugees, The war over the world... Seoul YWCA is going to connect them with Human rights through the program.  If you want to experience new volunteer work, join us right now! :)  * Date: 2018/12/15 (Sat) 12:00-17:00 * Place: Seoul YWCA * Subject   1) Global human rights education   2) Explore Human Rights Cases, Group discussion   3) Non human rights vote with Youth and citizens   4) 2018 Global Non human rights Awards!    5) Wrap up * Benefits: Certificate (5 hours), Peace maker certificate, Refreshments.  * Assignment: Think about the human rights case before coming * Q&A:  02)3705-6023/ 3705-6047               sywcayouth@naver.com

Knowing the right information of developing countries

Seoul YWCA is implementing the special lecture! It is called 'Knowing the right information of developing countries (Myanmar)' We had Ms. Khin Myo Thaw on 4th, December for the first lecture. She is the economic counselor of Myanmar Embassy. The subject of lecture was 'Myanmar and Myanmar women' Thanks to Bockhee,Lee (the chair person of World fellowship department committee) with her interpretation, we could had the lecture deeply. Ms. Khin Myo Thaw let us know the fact of Myanmar and the gender equality in Myanmar. According to UNESCO survey, UNESCO has described Myanmar as one of the countries in Asia which has the highest ratio of female researchers in the field of science, with 70 out of 100 researchers being women. For improving women empowerment, Myanmar is now committed to CEDAW and creating of a dedicated Gender Equality & Women’s Empowerment Sector Working Group. Women’s empowerment in Myanmar has improved in key ways, but th...

Pink OUT! If you speak out loud, the world will be different

"If you speak out loud, the world will be different." Seoul YWCA had 'Pink Out' Day camp with Mary Kay Korea on 17th, November. 'Pink Out' campaign has the meaning of women's powerful voice. On that day, almost 90 people participated in this camp including domestic violence victims, Single mom, multi-cultural women. The first time was lead by Sang Mi, Park (Professor of The national police university) "You are beautiful, you are beautiful, you are beautiful." Speak out loud when you wake up in the morning in front of the mirror, if you love yourself first, others will love you. She pointed out that love yourself is the most important thing. Second mentor was the lawyer, Eun Eui, Lee  "There is no such things proper place and time to tell your voice, if you have something to say, do it for yourself with confidence!" She is well known lawyer to speak out the sexual violence problem within the comp...

Classical guitar lesson with Denis Sungho

Guess who this gorgeous guy?  He is the world wide guitarist 'Denis Sungho Janssens' We are proud to announce this news that he comes to Seoul YWCA every Saturday. Denis Sungho is the musician and also adopted to Belgium when he was young. He won the 1st place at the Belgium young talent competition.  The reason he visits Seoul YWCA is to teach the Youth who wants to learn the classical guitar.  He is doing this lessons without any charges just for the volunteer work. What a wonderful work he does! The major beneficiary is the Youth who is vulnerable to social and economical problems.  There are total eight students to have lesson now. :)  Have a look at the vivid site of lesson filmed by Seoul Y blogger.  https://blog.naver.com/syulmo/221395765545

Watch us; we are the Women Entrepreneur in Thandaunggyi

Watch us; we are the Women Entrepreneur in Thandaunggyi Seoul YWCA had an article once to let you know that we are implementing ‘Sharing and Dreams’ in Myanmar supported by Samsung and Community chest of Korea for one year. (making the ribbon with  leftover pieces) The purpose is to get their economic independence and self-confidence. There are two batches in Thandaunggyi during the year. The first batch was finished in July, and from the August, the second batch was started their lessons! They had a handicraft class and ICT class. Through lessons, they could think of the business ideas and the profits. Thandunggyi is located in a mountain area, therefore it sometimes has trouble using electricity well, but they are having ICT class during this month. Please cheer them up and send regards! 

Come on, woman! Save the local area!

"Come on, woman! Save the local area!” On August 30, the YWCA's northern district member event was held at TG Hall under the supervision of Seoul Y. This year’s slogan was "Connect the hope through Women and Region” Gangreung, Donghae, Seoul, Sokcho, Wonju, Incheon, Chuncheon, Total seven northern parts of the 450 members of Y participated in this event.  "We're all members of the YWCA, re-inventing the mission given to us and working with local women. I wish we could become a community of hope and growth." The opening ceremony was started as a welcoming address of Seoul YWCA Chairman Education was also conducted to strengthen the members' capabilities. Lee Suk-jin, a professor of Christianity at Ewha Women's University, said, "Why should YWCA exercise in the region?" She proposed the movement direction by area with the current status and assessment of the Y local women's movement. ...

Let me hear your voice, Pink-OUT!

"Let me hear your voice” Pink-OUT! Seoul Y had ‘Pink-out business agreement’ to strengthen women’s empowerment in 28 th , August. The Pink-Out project is the project in response to physical, mental and verbal violence and social discrimination of the socially disadvantaged women. It's aimed at turning the world into pink by helping them to speak their voice themselves. It provides internal healing and empowerment opportunities for women who exposed to violence and discrimination, especially those exposed to cultural and economic isolation. Earlier this year, Mary Kay released its social contribution product "Gel Semi-Matt Lipstick powerful Pink." and part of the profits was donated to Seoul YWCA for the Pink Out project. This lipstick was developed with the concept "Paint your life pink."It contains hopes and wishes for an alien woman to paint her life pink again through 'Pink Out.' First, from the s...

I’m Gen.E reading a book!

Seoul YWCA happily introduces you the ‘Open Salon Gen.E’ (Gen.E means Gender Equality) ‘Open Salon Gen.E’ has two types of sessions as below. 1) The book lecture ‘I’m Gen.E reading a book’ 2) The Movie screening ‘I’m Gen.E watching a movie’ Having those sessions, Seoul YWCA tries to step forward to the society based on gender equality. We had Seo Hwa Kim who is the writer on 20 th , July. She is a feminist mom who has a son an elementary school student. She has published her book recently ‘Sexual conversation between elementary school student son and the feminist mom’ Most people put a question, “Isn’t it too early to teach him about the sex education?” It is pretty interesting that parents avoid or ignore this matter while they are trying too hard to teach other education their children at the very young age. “Young children like 7 or 8 years old can access sex video easily these days, and you know if children watch this at their young age, they will have dist...

Current Status of Living Radiation and Countermeasures

The ‘Radon bed scandal’ that has recently caused is a hot potato in our society but we haven't found the right solution yet. Radon is a typical radioactive decay product, but we are in a situation where everyone is at risk for radiation. Seoul YWCA had a lecture to know what the radiation is in our everyday life. In the lecture, Instructor Hye Jung Kim focused on ion products, cell phones, and medical radiation problems. She started her lecture by mentioning the Radon bed scandal. Put simply, Using Radon bed make people exposed to radiation continuously while sleeping in bed without notice. The most miserable thing is that Radon bed has received more than 10 government certificates because they are known as an eco-friendly bed which is not true. In fact, it was a terrible product that caused a cancer. The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission is advising us to throw ion products away from you. Do you know that cell phones also have radiation? Studies s...

Eco-friendly rainwater remover

The rainy season has come! Are you enjoying yourself with this weather? You can easily see the plastic bags for covering the wet umbrella. Have you ever thought that is too wasteful for the environment? Plastic bags including all the plastics are the huge concern around the world now. Korea consumes 19 billion plastic bags annually and it is about 57 billion won. The most miserable thing is that 23 million tons of carbon dioxide is generated by the process of making plastic bags. Seoul YWCA is conducting a “joyful movement “to save the Earth and save us. We have installed an eco-friendly rainwater remover in front of the YWCA entrance. Follow us how to use this remover J 1. Put an umbrella in a rain cleaner and turn left and right and shake over 5 times! 2. There could be raindrop even if you shook for a long time. It is literally inconvenient but necessarily needed for protecting our environment. Seoul Y is about saving energy, r...

We are the Women Entrepreneurs!

What a wonderful praying room and The Cross! You can see these if you go to Prayer Mountain in Thandaunggyi, Myanmar. There are unique praying rooms on the way to the top of the mountain. Where 90 percent of the people are Buddhists, Thandaunggyi is very special area where the majority of people are Christians. Seoul YWCA has a meaningful education project here. Seoul YWCA is giving the education program for local women with Myanmar YWCA which is supported by Samsung and Community Chest of Korea. There are 4 lessons which are Sewing, ICT, Entrepreneur, and Gender for 100 local women in Thandaunggyi. World fellowship department of Seoul YWCA has been there to control the project smoothly. Women who got these lessons could earn the profit while learning sewing. Some participants could make profits from their own handicrafts through the training. The participants ' aspiration to contribute economic revitalization of the local community was surpr...

Seoul YWCA’s first SNS press corps opening ceremony

Seoul YWCA wrote a new history in the raining summer night. Finally! Seoul YWCA’s first SNS press corps has been started. The opening ceremony was held on 26 June at the 5th floor of the hall. At the first beginning, SNS press corps introduced themselves, and then they watched the Seoul YWCA’s introducing video together. Su Kyung Choi who is the chairperson of promotion and publication dep. spoke words of greeting, and then conferring the certificate which is the highlight of the ceremony. It was the moment we can feel their full of pride and responsibility. Seoul YWCA SNS press corps is consisting with a teenager, university student, power blogger, and so on. Some members couldn’t attend the ceremony because of their busy schedule, but we know that their determination is also the same as the other members too. “We will make the World with justice/peace/eco-friendly with our pride as Seoul YWCA SNS corps.” “We will keep informing Seoul YWCA’s news by ...

‘Inconvenience for Earth’ energy saving education

“Summer has come! But its usage of electricity is dramatically increasing.” Are you good at energy saving in your daily life? Our consumer and environment team allowed our eight online supporters to be educated about the ways of energy saving for the earth on June 15th, 11th, and 18th. Based on these three events, the supporters will be actively engaged in promoting the way of power-saving. On the first day, Yumi Go, the lecturer, talked about why we should save our precious energy. According to the Korean Meteorological Administration, they predict that the temperature this year will be higher than the average. The heat wave will be extremely serious and prolonged. Due to the global warming continued at this fast speed, the glacier melts thus making the sea level rise. Therefore, it will cause the extinction of some animals and plants as well as could destroy our entire life. Thus, Seoul YWCA wants you to know what you can exercise in daily life by preventing gl...

Demanding campaign for establishment of ‘Same wage day’

How do you feel if you earn different wage even though you did same work? As greeting the ‘Employment equality week’, Seoul YWCA held the campaign to demanding the establishment of the ‘Same wage day’. ‘Same labor, same wage’ means that employer has to pay the same wage to the people who have same value without any other discrimination in age or gender. Even though the weather was so hot, No one can discourage the will for ‘Same labor, same wage’ for making a peaceful world. South Korea is the country which has the widest wage difference among the OECD countries, and also has dishonor about the worst wage difference title. Women earn the lower wage rather than men even though they both work equally. According to the OECD, the wage difference in Korea between men women is 36.7%. This shows that women have to work 95days more to get as same as men’s wage. Because of pregnancy and childbirth, women easily suffer from career interruption and cannot help wo...

Y-Teen and Youth member’s joint ceremony.

“We will be the Y-teen, Youth member with fulfilling the YWCA purpose in our living.” Seoul YWCA held the ‘2018 Y-teen, Youth members (who are the university students) joint charter ceremony’ at the auditorium hall. There were 18 clubs of Y-teen and 9 clubs of the university, and 350 members and the guidance teachers for the ceremony on 26th, May.  The worship was started with Y-teen’s praise (Jungsin women’s high school) and then continued with watching mini-documentary ‘The First Voice @KNOCK’ by Kyung Sun Koo. It was valuable time to feel that we all are one of the masterpieces of the God.  For the special lecture, Si Hyung Ryu (CEO of Kimchi bus) gave a vision lecture telling his favorite topics (Travel, People, Drinking, Cooking, Photos). He cheered people how he achieved his dreams by traveling all over the world. By the member’s oath, the ceremony has been steamed up.  There was also Y-teen ...

4th Book report competition award ceremony

We are happy to introduce you this meaningful events! Seoul YWCA held Book report competition award ceremony of 'Book mentoring Project' on 10th, May. Book mentoring project is support program writing letters with sending books for girls who are in Youth Detention Center or Alternative school.   Seoul YWCA has held Book mentoring project since 2012 and Book report competition has 4 th anniversary this year. Thanks for support, This Book mentoring project is sponsored by Hana Nanum Foundation. We had 120 book reports and 36 students were awarded the prize including grand prize. “I barely read books before, but while staying in Youth Detention center, I could be a friend with book and can even write the book report first ever. The most important thing is that I won the prize! I’m out of Youth Detention center now; however, I’m going to continue reading books as a good habit.” Song Min Kim (alias, Junsim Girl’s Industry High school student) who wo...